Summer Camp – Make a Mess
Guaranteed to be full of play and learning, our fun-filled week-long camps are offered during the summer! Available for children in grades rising 1st – 3rd grade.
Join us July 21 – July 25 for CAMP PLAY! week-long summer camp: “Make a Mess”
If there is one thing we are good at here at the Museum, it is making a mess! And the best part? We will be learning along the way. Through a variety of S.T.E.A.M. centered activities and experiments, we promise to keep the mess at the Museum.
Themed activities and playtime will include exhibit floor time where public visitors may be present.
Check-In: 8:00am – 8:30am
Check-Out: 4:00pm – 4:30pm
**Week Camp Pricing:
Member: $255 (members save $40)
Non-Member: $295
Add a meal from our Kazoo’s U-STOP Café for $6.50! Includes an entrée, side of chips or crackers, Oreo cookies and drink. Select “attendee lunch” price option at registration.